One Age Forever

I would want to be twenty-four years. I would like to be this age because I would be two years out of college and traveling the world. It would be a lot of fun going to different states like texas and country’s like Ireland. I would also be trying to find a job that I would like, like being a teacher or being international basketball player or a football player. If I was an international athlete I could play my favorite sport and travel at the same time.

The Best Vacation

Every year in July me and my family go to bishop. Bishop is a great place to have fun without electronics. We always go camping at the same camp ground, most of the time. The camp ground we go to there is many trees a river and some hikers. We also go into town were there’s gift shops and great food places to visit. Lastly fishing is a great thing to do in bishop, you can also bring your canoe on the water and fish. These are the reasons why this is my favorite place to go on vacation.

New kid by jerry craft

New kid is a funny, exiting book. New kid is a book about a kid who is at a new school and he has to find he’s way around like trying to find he’s classes. Luckily Jordan (the main character of the book) already had friends from his old school so he didn’t have too much problems of finding friends. The book also shows the characters family and their personalities.

Kole’s Perfect World

If I could live in any fictional world I would live In the Spider-Man into the spider verse universe. I would live here because I could travel to other universes were crazy things happen each day. But it would also be cool to stay in the same universe because there are many things you can do like watch them fight crime.

My Dream House

I would love to to be able to design my own dream house. If I created my own dream house it would be a white farm house made out of lumber wood. One of the rooms in my. House would be the living room were there is wooden tiles for flooring and a big tv were I can watch any show I please. Another place in my house is my backyard were there are many animals like horses, pigs, goats and cows. So now I ask you if you were to create your own dream house what would it be.

All about me

Hi my name is Kole. Welcome to my blog allow me to introduce myself. I am a 7th grader and I love playing basketball and football. I live with my mom, my dad and my dog max. I have many friends but most are from sports and they are all very nice. Another hobby I have is collecting funko pops which is fun because there are so many different characters. Thank you for reading my blog I would love to learn about you.

The Beautiful Cabo San Lucas

If I could travel anywhere on planet earth it would be Cabo San Lucas. The first reason I would like to do in Cabo is swim with dolphin were I can hold onto the back of a dolphin and it will pull me at a fast pace. I would also go to the glass making shop were the make glass animals in front of you, then you can buy the glass sculptures for a low price. I would also go and see the famous arches to go to the arches you have to ride on a boat were you can see whales and dolphins and other animals. Now I ask you if you could travel anywhere on planet earth where would you go?